Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary Sweetie.

Hubby and I have been married for 6 years today. Can you believe we've only been married for 6 years and we're having to deal with cancer. Doesn't seem real, does it? I am going home in a minute to pack the kids up and wash all of their clothes. I typed up a cheat sheet for my children's keepers. I hope it will make it easier. I just put what time their game is and what all they must bring to daycare each day and things like that. Not anything hard, just some minor details they need to know. I will try to get bunches and bunches of hugs and kisses today b/c tomorrow I can't hug them b/c I'll be radioactive per my rad tech friend and doctor. How many want to bet hubby will be scared to come near me tomorrow????? I think he will, but only b/c he knows I won't like it if he steers clear of me. He has been good about all of this. He has attended all of my doctor visits and is constantly asking if I'm ok. He is also trying to make me gain 50 pounds. HaHa. That isn't a bad thing since I can't have red meat or spicy foods during chemo. Might as well eat up now. No Mom I'm not overdoing it in the food department. I am just not dieting. I am superly enjoying regular cokes right now. I will diet when all of this is over. Maybe I won't have to. Maybe chemo will make me loose weight. A girl can only dreammmmmm. I did get to splurge on crawfish last night thanks to my PaPaw. They were awesome. If anyone is looking for the best they are at Randall's gas station and they are $1.75/ pound boiled. Yes I am the expert I promise. I have had them everywhere and those are my favorites and the price is the bomb as well. Also tonight I have to divide all of the cookie prizes for every girl scout in west monroe at my house. Ughhhh. Hope tons show up to help so it won't take too long. Thank you all for praying for me and my family. Love you.

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