Friday, December 19, 2008

Mommy's Big Boy

Jarrett finally spent the night at my inlaws house. Yeahhhhh..... He said he would when he got his drivers license. Welllllll.......... see what is in his hand? He is calling that his drivers license.
He also can drive the little 3 wheeler all by himself. Of course my hubby has it rigged so he doesn't go very fast.

See how little and cut he looks in his cousin Blake's helmet? Awwwww!!!!!

Here is Daddy leading him around the yard. He still turns curves a little too sharply. He'll learn, but for now Daddy will walk beside him and protect him. Yeah my hubby is a little over protective but that's ok in my book. It's better to be over protective then not to care. That's just love.

Here's Jarrett and Daddy racing around the yard. Jarrett in his FORD truck adn Daddy on one of his many 3 wheelers.

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