My girl's can't wait. Ashley was super dissapointed b/c she has cheer practice from 6:30-8:00 and can't come skating. I promised her I would take her another time. If your girl can't skate don't woory. At the last skating party the girls who could grabbed the ones who couldn't and helped them learn to skate. It wasn't long before they were skating up a storm. I'm even thinking of bringing Jarrett for a little while. He can leave with my hubby when they go get Ash from cheer practice. Please don't laugh at the my attemp picture below. I tried to make the following from Bakerella's blog:
This is how mine turned out after spending about 4 hours in the kitchen working on them. My hubby said they look like McDonald Fry Guys with 2 M&M's on them so I put 2 M&M's on his and Jarrett's.
Hopefully the girls enjoy them though. I made them for the Girl Scout Christmas Party. I also am bringing the prizes from the Brownie Bingo. Yeah!!!!! Hopefully our winter patches will be in the mail by then. If not I'll mail them. Everyone loves to get mail. :) I know they won't mind.