Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Hubby!!!!

Our picture was his idea. Ain't that sweet!!!!
The kids and I suprised him with a Steeler's cake made by my friend along with 3 gifts and a box of skittles. I know we like to wake up to suprises on our birthday. I hope the kids remember this when they get older and cherish the tradition. Hubby is 35 this year. I made him his favorite Hamburger Helper spagetti & we all ate as a family. He enjoyed the day. I tried to keep the kids squabbles to a minimum to help his day go smooth. (That was a challenge in itself.)

Here is a closeup of his cake. He said it was too pretty to eat. We did eat it though and it was awesome. It was a 2 layer cake with the best icing. We all loved it.

Here is Brooke's Hannah Montana cake made by my friend also. I hate to admit it, but I didn't try it. I am on a major diet. I have lost 18 pounds as of yesterday. The mom's who attended the party loved it. I might have a nibble of it tonight when I get home. Brooke loved her cake. She kept showing her friends over and over. Kelly I passed your cards around to anyone who wanted them. Maybe you'll get some calls.
Sorry the card didn't show up very well in the picture. You can email me for the info if you need it at

Here is Brooke at her skating party. She had a blast!!! I was a little scared b/c we invited 47 people and by 1pm only 1 person had shown up. Everyone arrived late. One set even arrived an hour late. In total (if you count siblings who came) we had 7 who came which was a good amount. The mom's loved how Brooke reacted over their presents to her. She was super excited and appreciative over everything even the cards. She made me proud.
Even Jarrett loved it. He skated up a storm. If I was a betting person (and I am over silly little things for fun) I would bet he wants his future parties at Skatetown.
He didn't fall much. He just liked to roll on the ground. Hubby would have to go get him up so he wouldn't be runovered by the other skating kids. It really wasn't too crowded. It was perfect.

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