Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Well I really feel blessed right now. I answered phones for 5 hours about people's house flooding, people being trapped in flooded houses. etc. I didn't even have a moment to breath b/c of the severity of the situation. It's hard to talk people into leaving their houses when they don't want to, but need to. Ashley has really impressed everyone here. They will probably love for her to work with them in the future. & She would. Oh and Brooke thinks we have evacuees from South America up here in Monroe. Isn't that funny. I have tried to correct her and explain, but it is a lost cause. Ashley loves the being out of school. Brooke however is not too happy. She loves school this year. Well I better go answer the phone again. It's getting busy. The main calls today are about Funding and or returning home info.


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