Sunday, August 17, 2008

Opry Mill Hotel in Tennessee

Here we all are in the Opry Mill Hotel Mall enjoying a snack when...
All of a sudden...
A vine on a pole stars moving towards us.
You can see here how creepy she looked as she looked at us and kept coming towards us.

Needless to say Jarrett didn't enjoy this. At first he was ok until she walked toards us. This was when I had to comfort him b/c he was screaming.

The vine girl tried to touch Brooke, but she wouldn't let her. She thought it was funny, but I think it kind of creeped her out to.
Awwwww How sweet.

It cost $17.98 to park to go into the Opry Mill Hotel, but it was worth it. It is really pretty for those who haven't been there. It kind of reminds me a little of SanAntonio's riverwalk. No we didn't see any stars. You know I was looking for you all.

Last but not least I'll leav you all with a
Brandi Funny: (I know you all are asking what I did funny that I'd tell you all about. Well keep reading it was priceless for the kids.)
Tuesday I left work early so I could take Brooke to her meet her teacher appointment @ 2:45. I actually planned on being super early thank goodness. (You'll see why I was thankful). Well when we finally got all situated in the car I realized... dum dum dum...
I had locked my keys in the house. Ughhhhhhh!!!! We immediately grabbed the school supply bags (4 of them) and Brooke's book bag which was also full of supplies and headed down the highline behind our house towrds the school. Ashley walks this alot and said it wasn't far. Well far is different in a 14 yr old in shape child and a 30yr old out of shape adult. Needless to say we walked fast up and down 4 major hills across a creek and through the woods for a solid 25 minutes and we made it. I bet we were a sight when we walkde into the school. We were 10 minutes late and I apologized profusely b/c I didn't want her to have to work over b/c of us. I explained the situation and I bet she was thinking "If it was me I wouldn't have walked." Well next time I meet her I won't be a sweaty mess and on time so maybe she won't remember us and that meeting. I was so embarrassed. Oh yeah Jason came and picked us up b/c I called and told him I wasn't walking back. HaHa. I was so red he didn't want to leave me. I guess he figured I'd end up having a stroke or something if he left. I climbed into a cold shower and that seemed to help with my color so he went back to work to make up his lost time. And yeah the guys at his work got a kick out of it too. Ok I hear you all still laughing it wasn't that funny.... at the time..... Maybe I should start that as my daily exercise. Well see. If my schedule allows. It is pretty hairy right now with school and girl scouts fixing to kick off big time. This is the time I love though. I love to be busy.
Oh yeah I am at work right now on no sleep. I got up around 9 this morning and cleaned my house during Jarrett's nap today and work called @ 10:15pm and asked if I could come work b/c a travel tech making $68.00 per hour decided to not show up and not call. So you know me I can't say no so here I am on coffee and coke praying for 7:30am to hurry and arrive. But I do love sleeping during the day. It is so peaceful. I would work night shift permanently if Jason would stand it. It caused major issues when I did it for 8 months so I finally had to tell them I couldn't do it anymore. I still fill in when I'm needed, but it isn't my permanent schedule like it was for 8 months. Well I better go morning run is fixing to start. Yeahhhhh!!!

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