Friday, August 29, 2008

Your Hurricane Weather forecast with Local Weather Girl Ashley.

Ashley has been keeping me posted about the upcoming Hurricane Gustav. She said it won't be bad. Let's hope so. The last Hurricane that was bad for us was Katrina. I was working at LSU Health Science center in Monroe (known as E.A. Conway hospital). Our main computer was located in the basement of the charity hospital in New Orleans. Needless to say we lost our computer system for around 6 months, had to get organized for the extended downtime, & got tons of evacuee patients from down south. It wasn't fun, but you know me I love a challenge. The only time I got kind of scared was when we couldn't find gas all the way through Memphis as we were traveling to my parents house near Nashville. We also didn't take cash b/c we always use a bank card which was a tragedy in itself. No one could take a bank card b/c the phone lines were down so we couldn't buy the kids food through Memphis. Jarrett was a baby and we couldn't find ice for the ice chest to keep his formula cold. You could just see the love from strangers everywhere for us b/c we were from Louisiana. A friendly store clerk hand bagged some ice for our cooler and wouldn't charge us. Another friendly guy offered to buy our supper at a Burger King b/c we couldn't find anyone to take the bank card for food. (We didn't take him up on his offer though b/c this trip was our choice.) This was an adventure I bet the kids never forget. I think we even had to stand up at my parents church so they could pray for us since everyone thought we were evacuees. We just so happened to have a trip planned to see my parents that weekend. We didn't have to go, but I was going going through a period where I missed them tremendously and I haddddd to make that trip. (Yes Mom I still miss you all tremendously, but I can handle it better now for some reason.) I took lots of pictures of the no gas signs, the traffic, and all of the out of gas vehicles on the way. We even counted the number of cars on the side of the road. It was more than I've every seen in my life. I tried hard to keep my kids from getting nervous about the situation. I only stressed where they could see me when we couldn't find gas and our gas light had come on.
As for this hurricase season...
I am a departmental supervisor in the lab at a different hospital in the same area. I'm not sure where our computer system is stationed. I could only hope and pray that it is up north somewhere. We'll see. Please help me pray for this hurricane to somehow not be bad on anyone. I won't pray for it to turn b/c that will be praying for it to hit someone else. Please pray that the levees in New Orleans hold up this time and their are no lost lives.
Please pray for Coleman and his family as they travel back to Iowa for his chemo to continue for the next month until he can have the other type of treatment. Please pray for Joseph's family as they mourn.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Treats Jarrett & I sent to Coleman & Caden in New York.

Jarrett & all of the toys and candy we sent Coleman & Caden in New York City. They are not originally from there. They are just there receiving treatment for Coleman.
Jarrett writing them a note.
He was a great sport, buying someone else toys. That is awesome that he understood and wanted to buy someone else something to cheer them up. He did want to play with them before we sent them when we got home. I did let Coleman & Caden share a sucker with Jarrett out of their bag. He appreciated that you guys.

Here is Ashley practicing her cheer for competition. Her first competition is Oct 12th in Shreveport. She also has one in November in Kenner, December in Shreveport, 2 in January, a whole weekend of competition in Feb, and a whole weekend in March if they qualify for Nationals. I will try to video with my new camera next practice and upload it so you all can see how they look. I'm amazed!
Here is my latest scrapbook page I made today. I made one for my book and one for ebay. I bought a cool new scrapbook book that has tons of ideas using fabric & ribbons. I am putting a sewing machine on my Christmas list this year b/c I have been hand sewing my pages and would love to incorporate the different stitches on my pages.

Oh here is another thing I have learned>>> How to make torn bears. Aren't they cute. But they sure do take up alot of time.
Well I'm on nights for the next two nights Mom so call me after 5pm please if you need me. Ashley's friend woke me up today so I only got 2 hours of sleep. I try to take the phone out of my room, but one of my kids always needs me when I do that and it makes me fill really bad. I will update my girl scout events later on tonight after I organize my girl scout notebook. I do know we have tons coming up. I personally can't wait until the Savannah Georgia trip in Nov 2009. It is $500/ person and we are craming tons of fun girl scout activities into 4 days. The girls will earn tons and tons of badges & see the birth place of Girl Scouts. I will let any of my girls that qualify to go know about it. You must be in the 4th grade by the time of the trip. I think only Sarah & Emily will qualify for it. I'll let you all know. They will have another trip later. Well I better go work,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Urgent prayer requests needed.

I have been so busy at work that I haven't had time to check my favorite blogs. My mom just informed me that Joseph ( has died. He goes to her church in Franklin Tennesse. He was 3 yrs old and had brain cancer. I have been reading his blog for a while, but for some reason didn't realize he was that bad. Please say an extra special prayer tonight for him and his family.

Also on a positive note my other blogger (Melanie Massey at Mo'Joy) has a new baby. Mel is JAke Raborn's aunt. JAke lost his battle with cancer when he was 3 years old. Now Jake help welcome Joseph up in heaven. I can see them now playing in Jesus's front yard. I bet they are playing in the mud and doing all of the little boy things they couldn't do while they were sick. THey really are my HERO's. I don't even know them, but I love them with all of my heart.

PLease also pray for Coleman. His doctors are meeting tomarrow to decide his treatment options.

Well I better go hug my children extra tight tonight.

Heartbroken, but still loving God,


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Monday, August 25, 2008

Life lesson for Brooke that I wished she didn't have to learn.

I am posting in an upbeat color to try to make the situation more positive than it is. It bothers me most of the time, but this weekend Brooke and myself tried to make it positive. Sometimes I just want to cry b/c of how it makes her feel and how I have no control over it. I have talked to her Dad about it ,but he gets defensive. We have even seen a court ordered child pychologist b/c of it. It helped a little with the physical part of things, but not with the emotional part of it. Many of you all know what I'm talking about and I won't go into great details about the past, but I will talk about this weekend. Brooke got into the car and as always I ask her day went with her Dad. She says great. (And I always on purpose don't ask about her stepmom Amanda b/c of this reason. Maybe I should keep talking about it every weekend so she'll have an outlet to talk about it.) She then says "Amanda said she can't wait for me to go home and I have ugly hair." (I hear the ugly hair thing every weekend.) Needless to say Brooke was only there from 9:30am- 6pm. Brooke then asked why Amanda is so mean to her and what can she do about it. Of course I say some hurtful things she could say back to Amanda, but we both decide that that would just make Amanda mad and she would take her anger out physically on Brooke. We then decided the best thing at the moment and only thing Brooke can do is to pray for God to change Amanda's heart. Brooke seemed excited about that. I told her not to expect a miracle and if she gets one then it would be extra special, but that God might not change the situation b/c it is in his plan for Brooke. I told her that maybe God is making her go through this to help her be a stronger person or to increase her faith in some way. Brooke seemed content with that and said she'd pray for that every night. I am having to work through the hateful feelings I have for Amanda and I guess that is what God is doing for me with this. I want to pray for harm to come of her, but I won't. I am trying to pray for her heart also. I am mainly praying for Brooke to get through this. Maybe a miracle will happen as if social service will have some reason to investigate her other 2 children and she has to be removed from the situation? We could only hope. No I hope she is not like this with her own children. I tried telling Brooke to ask to come home, but she said she gets in trouble if she asks to come home. She also said she gets in trouble when she tells her Dad what Amanda says. She did say in the future she won't have to go. Her Dad better fix the situation or he will loose an important relationship with his daughter in the future. She is already planning it in her head. She said she'd just call him. Please pray for her. Thanks, Brandi

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Friday, August 22, 2008

First day of School.

Ashley & Brooke on their first day at school.

I'm soory I don't have apicture of Jarrett b/c it is his daycare that he is going to preschool at so it's not different for him. I will take a picture of his first day at Kindergarten in 2 years. That is Brooke's lunch box she is carrying. It used to be Ashley's. Ashley didn't like the traditional lunchboxes, but she'd carry one that looks like a purse. Now it's Brooke's turn. She wanted to bring her lunch this year. So far it has consisted of the following: Pretzels, goldfish, a small amount of oreo cookies, apples & grapes, carrots & ranch, & a peanut butter & jelly sandwhich. It may sound like alot, but it is small amounts of everything to give her a variety. I love the prepackaged apples & grapes, & carrots & ranch from Walmart. It makes lunches alot easier and more healthy than the hamburger she would have gotten at school just about everyday. Ashley has found the concession stand at the high school which has nachos. Oh well I can't say anything. I ate chips and a coke for lunch my junior & high school years if I even ate. At least nachos has "corn" & "dairy" in it. I know I'm reaching here, you have to be positive about it. HaHa. :)
Ashley had her first late night last minute project that I had to help her with. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be her looking up the clipart last night on the computer, but I did show her how I did it. It was too late for me to just let her fumble through it. She told me after 9. Needless to say I printed it out and left her doing it when I went to bed.
Well I better go for now.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Incriminating evidence for Ly & Jonathan. :)

Ly here are the crafty suckers who decorated your car. I went out there to take incriminating pictures and to make sure they didn't put anything in the car.

Uh Oh Does that look like your best friend since age 3 Brittany?????????? Hummmmmm.
So far all the boys did a pretty good job decorating the car. It was semi-parent appropriate since Dad had to drive it back from the airport after you all left. He even joked about having Aunt Fern & Aunt Linda drive it back to see how many strange stares they would get on the way back.
All in all we had a blast with and at your wedding and even after you all left. Can't wait for you to too come back from WallyWorld. (Disney) Did you two take lots of pictures for us to see???
Oh and Lynnsey the boys had a blast in the groom's quarters. And I was being sarcastic when I say that. Here is some of the sour looks b/c of our favorite mad girl friend Tiffany. One groomsman even dressed infront of her b/c he was mad b/c she wouldn't let them get dressed in there. All of the other boys dressed in the bathroom one at a time. Oh well I guess we should all put our bets on when the happy couple in the picture breaks up. He was extremely flustered with her at the wedding. HaHa. Oh well We all had a BLAST!!!!!!See you two soon.

Oh yeah and Jonathan I couldn't listen to your song you sang at the wedding b/c I figured I'd cry so I saved it for when we were in the car on the ride home. You rock!!!! You really should give it to that agent. You'll have to promise me the second autograph when you get famous. I know Ly gets the first. Love your new sister,

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Opry Mill Hotel in Tennessee

Here we all are in the Opry Mill Hotel Mall enjoying a snack when...
All of a sudden...
A vine on a pole stars moving towards us.
You can see here how creepy she looked as she looked at us and kept coming towards us.

Needless to say Jarrett didn't enjoy this. At first he was ok until she walked toards us. This was when I had to comfort him b/c he was screaming.

The vine girl tried to touch Brooke, but she wouldn't let her. She thought it was funny, but I think it kind of creeped her out to.
Awwwww How sweet.

It cost $17.98 to park to go into the Opry Mill Hotel, but it was worth it. It is really pretty for those who haven't been there. It kind of reminds me a little of SanAntonio's riverwalk. No we didn't see any stars. You know I was looking for you all.

Last but not least I'll leav you all with a
Brandi Funny: (I know you all are asking what I did funny that I'd tell you all about. Well keep reading it was priceless for the kids.)
Tuesday I left work early so I could take Brooke to her meet her teacher appointment @ 2:45. I actually planned on being super early thank goodness. (You'll see why I was thankful). Well when we finally got all situated in the car I realized... dum dum dum...
I had locked my keys in the house. Ughhhhhhh!!!! We immediately grabbed the school supply bags (4 of them) and Brooke's book bag which was also full of supplies and headed down the highline behind our house towrds the school. Ashley walks this alot and said it wasn't far. Well far is different in a 14 yr old in shape child and a 30yr old out of shape adult. Needless to say we walked fast up and down 4 major hills across a creek and through the woods for a solid 25 minutes and we made it. I bet we were a sight when we walkde into the school. We were 10 minutes late and I apologized profusely b/c I didn't want her to have to work over b/c of us. I explained the situation and I bet she was thinking "If it was me I wouldn't have walked." Well next time I meet her I won't be a sweaty mess and on time so maybe she won't remember us and that meeting. I was so embarrassed. Oh yeah Jason came and picked us up b/c I called and told him I wasn't walking back. HaHa. I was so red he didn't want to leave me. I guess he figured I'd end up having a stroke or something if he left. I climbed into a cold shower and that seemed to help with my color so he went back to work to make up his lost time. And yeah the guys at his work got a kick out of it too. Ok I hear you all still laughing it wasn't that funny.... at the time..... Maybe I should start that as my daily exercise. Well see. If my schedule allows. It is pretty hairy right now with school and girl scouts fixing to kick off big time. This is the time I love though. I love to be busy.
Oh yeah I am at work right now on no sleep. I got up around 9 this morning and cleaned my house during Jarrett's nap today and work called @ 10:15pm and asked if I could come work b/c a travel tech making $68.00 per hour decided to not show up and not call. So you know me I can't say no so here I am on coffee and coke praying for 7:30am to hurry and arrive. But I do love sleeping during the day. It is so peaceful. I would work night shift permanently if Jason would stand it. It caused major issues when I did it for 8 months so I finally had to tell them I couldn't do it anymore. I still fill in when I'm needed, but it isn't my permanent schedule like it was for 8 months. Well I better go morning run is fixing to start. Yeahhhhh!!!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We had a blast. The kids danced the night away. (Let me tell you my kids aren't shy.)
Uncle Ryan & Jarrett.

Ashley, Brittany, Lynnsey (bride), & LeaLa. Brooke & Jarrett dancing.
Lynnsey & Ashley at the bachelorette party. We took her to the Olive Garden for a girl's night out.
All of us minus 2 bridesmaids who couldn't come.
Brittany, Nichole, & Lynnsey.

Me & Lynnsey. (P.S. Like my new hair?)
Mom (MeeMee) & Ashley (This is Ashley's favorite picture b/c she loves to pose like that.)
Before we helped her dress in a corset dress which was loads of fun for Lynnsey. P.S. I don't recommend one for any bride. It hurts according to Ly.
Ashley & Jarrett.

Ashley & Brooke slow dancing. It was the most fun wedding I have ever been to. I will load more pictures later. Oh and if everyone thinks that it helped wipe out the kids so they'd slepp you are all wrong. Jarrett wouldn't go to bed until around 1 am b/c he was so hyped up on dancing not sugar.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pictures from my Dad's computer that I love.

Mom & Dad wedding day 1974
Jason & Jarrett when he was in the NICU Nov 2004.
Me & Jarrett in the NICU (Nov 2004)
MeeMaw & her grandbabies. (Anna Oct 2004 & Jarrett Nov 2004)
Lynnsey & Jarrett NOv 2004
Mom & MeeMaw at her wedding
MeeMaw & her sisters & her mother. (Hey Aunt Linda)
Brooke Ashley

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