Saturday, May 31, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to put a calendar on this page of upcoming Girl Scout events. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know. Thanks.

I have planned our "Family Skating Party" for Thursday June 19th 7:30-9:oopm at the WM Skatetown. Our cookie proceeds we earned will pay for anyone that would like to skate including Girl Scouts, their parents and siblings. Mrs. Jennifer & Emily's family goes all the time and has a blast. We have been once on Family night and they play fun kid songs that do not include inappropriate songs that are being played on the radio these days. They also play games that all in the family can do even my 3 yr old enjoyed them. Brooke can't wait. I know they will all have a blast and we will to.
P.S. All girl scout mom's check your email. I have sent a June & July calendar to you all.

Well all is some what well with my hair. I did go get it fixed yesterday. She didn't have to cut it much shorter to fix it thank goodness, but it is shorter than I have ever had. I will just have to live with it until it grows out. Hopefully that is before June 21st (My little sister's wedding shower) and Aug 9 (My little sister's wedding). Sorry Lynnsey it looks as if I can't pull it up for your wedding. Hope you didn't have that planned for my hair.

Speaking of wedding has anyone seen a child's silver dress size 10-12 that Brooke can wear at the wedding. She is a Tea girl and Lynnsey's colors are Red & Silver. Mine and Ashley's dresses are Red and Jarrett will wear a little tux with either a red or silver vest. I migth see if my hubby can wear a black suit so we can take a matching family picture.
Speaking of hubby I bought the tiles and plywood to try to fix the coffee table myself. I want to tile a pattern using ceramic tiles to replace where the glass was. I can't wait to see if it works. I will only be out about the same amount I would have had to pay for a new coffee table. Ooopps Don't tell him that though. I now have my mind set on tiles there and can't get it out. I am in a major cleaning mood I just wish I had time for it. We are going to go through the boxes we still have since we moved in Aug and have a garage sale next weekend. Maybe that will help me clear out my scrapbook room so I can go let my creative energy go wild. I'll look and if I haven't posted a picture of what I made my mom, grandmother, mother-n-law, and myself for mother's day I'll post one. I found a cool blog where I got lots of great scrapbooking ideas. I'll try to remember what blog it is a tell you all so you all can go get some ideas yourselves.
Jarrett news: He has now learned how to swing on the rope swing and it is too cute. My heart kind of drops in my stomach when I see him swing on it b/c if he lets go it is not even ground and he could roll down the hill to my feet. Thank goodness I wasn't out there to see him roll down it chasing a bubble Ashley was making for him and Brooke. He has two skint knees b/c of it. I guess having 3 kids makes me not as nervous as someone with only one. My nerves are too frayed to respond the way they used to I guess. :) And Mel you'll do fine with the 2nd one. I find it less stressful, but busier. If that is possible.
Brooke & Ashley news: I think them staying home together all summer is bringing them closer together as sisters. I didn't think this was possible b/c they clash so bad. If Ashley said the sky was blue Brooke would say the oppsoite and vice- versa. They are really bored though. Yesterday they played Monopaly, danced together, and watched movies. You know they were bored if Ashley was playing board games with someone that just learned to read. HaHa. :)
Well I better go check out movie times for my date night tonight. Yes we are going to see Indiana Jones. We'll probably eat at El Chico where else!?!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Locks 4 Love

Here is Ashley after getting her hair cut. She loves it!!!! P.S. My hair is being fixed. Long story I hope no one gets to see. I am banning anyone seeing me until I get it fixed. Everyone at work was like "What happened to your hair? & Why do you have a tail?" Need I say more. Oh and I also included a picture of Brooke in her new glasses. She tickles me by what all she is noticing now that she can see. She even said real loud in the Dr's office yesterday "Mom your not wearing any makeup." The other lady and Ashley got tickled. (For the record I did put makeup on before I worked the graveyard shift and when I get tired I tend to rub my face.) Oh and sorry for the mispelled words I had a bad headache yesterday.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dance Recital Pics

Here is my prima ballerina in her final dance recital performance. She has decided to go into cheer instead. She has a better chance making the dance team later with no training, but I have learned with Ashley that to make cheer you must know how to tumble. So I am putting her in tumbling at Powerhouse with Ashley. Brooke loves to watch Ashley and she can't wait to be able to tumble too. I just hope she isn't as daring as I was growing up. I took gymnastics and wasn't afraid of anything. I ended up breaking me arm in 6 places and my collar bone trying new gymnastic moves that I watched on the olympics. After my broken arm I never could trust my arm again so I had to quit gymnastics. I also made the KitKat & Dandylion dance teams with no dance training at all.

Brooke was part of the clocks in the Beauty & The Beast Missy Crain dance recital. I just love her ballet costume. Don't you.

Here is her tap costume and ending pose. She loves to pose. You'll see in future pictures I post of her. I usually have to tell her not to pose so I can get a more natural picture. She danced to "Take Me Out to the Ball Game".
Here is her jazz routine. She was a batt girl. She danced to "Swing Batter Batter Swing" which Ashley tells me is a High School Musical song. I wouldn't know I haven't seen it. Teen musicals aren't really my thing. I can watch movies like Cars, and Shrek, but not High School Musical. Ughhhh!!!! Does that make me a bad mom? I doubt it. Here is Ashley and Brooke before the reciatl. I found some really cool flowers with glitter on the tips of the roses at Brookshire's for Brooke. She loved them. I also let her pick out her dance prize kind of. I tricked her into thinking it was for Ashley's best friend Kaitlyn. She picked her out a ballerina bear backpack and a ballerina statue. Do you really think I would have bought Kaitlyn (age 14) a ballerina bear backpack? Thank goodness Brooke is only 7 and I can still trick her.
Here is a picture of Brooke & Jarrett being sweet for the moment.
Ashley's best friend is in the burgoney dance costume. Her goal in life is to be professional dancer. There are lots of weekends where they can't hang out b/c she is at a dacne workshop in dallas, tx. This is the Kaitlyn you'll hear me talk about. She is Mrs. Missy's niece, and she is an absolutley gorgeous dancer. I love to watch her. My brother Ryan came in town for Memorial Day weekend. We celebrated with him since he served in the Navy during the "War on Terror" war aboard the U.S.S Ronald Regan aircraft carrier. He got out of the military to get married and he is pretty much a homebody. He missed us a little. (P.S. His marriage didn't work out and that was for the best believe me.)
She will be on the 10 o'clock KNOE channell 8 news Wednesday night.!!!!
Heather Parker (who is very supportive of Girl Scouts) interviewed several high school age Girl Scout about their views on several important subjects like: politics, teen druguse, teen suicide, etc. Ashley said Mrs. Parker was very impressed by Ashley's goals in life. Ash wants to go to school in Tennessee in Meterological Atmopsheric Science. She doesn't want to be a broadcast meterorologist she want to be the one that studies the weather and tells them what to say. You know when kids go to sleep with the TV on it is usually on cartoons. Well Ash has always watched the weather channel since she was 3 yrs old. She is afraid of the weather, but that doesn't stop her dreams. She's kind of dreading moving away from her family b/c the main place to work for is in Atlanta Georgia. I told her she'll change her mind in the future. Leaving home will be easier later. In case some you don't know her... She is the one in the pink shirt with long hair. She is getting it cut for locks of love tomarrow. I'll miss her long hair. I really like it, but in cheer when she does her back handspring she lands on her hair and it hurts really bad so she needs it shorter.

Here is Brooke getting her cookie award for selling around 800 boxes of cookies. She sold more, but we gave some to the other girl's to bump them up to the next prize catagory.
Well I better go for now. It is really hard to typr with a pounding headache. I seem to be getting one everyday, and the majority of them make me sick. I guess it's time for another trip to the doctor for my prescriptions refilled. He has me on a muscle relaxor & tension pill & pain pill when they are really bad. Somehow my prescriptions weren't even b/c I've been out of pain pills for a long while now and have been using the muscle relaxor and tesion pill for them. Well they have stopped working. He may have to switch to another one or up the dose. I just will try hard not to cry (B/c of the pain) when I go in his office, b/c the last time I did he said I was depressed. I was just in severe pain. Just imagine having a severe nauseation headache for about a month or more straight. It'll make you cry too. Well let me get off my pitty party and go surf the net.
Talk to you all later.

p.s. We loved First West Church this weekend. (For those that don't know me and the kids are church hunting.) Dropping off and picking up the kids was a little confusing and time consuming, but at least they have a system that keeps our kids safe.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We'll Brooke's dance recital rehearsal went good. I noticed that she really needs glasses. When she was on the front row she could do every step, but on the 2nd row she barely could and on the back row she couldn't at all. Her teacher also sent me a not about it a couple of weeks ago. I dread trying to get a 7 yr old to keep up with glasses. I got them in the 3rd grade and got contacts in the 6th grade. I finally got the lasik eye surgery done when I turned 25. That was the best investment. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
On a Jarrett note we ran errands today and we went to 3 different banks. Where in Jarrett's mind I win him suckers. I won him 1 sucker at Regions, 3 suckers at Capital One, and none at Ouachita Valley. He didn't realize that Ouachita Valley didn't give him a sucker b/c I gave him one of the others and he was content. We also watched "Alligators" (Gladiators) on the couch tonight together. I also told him we are going to the beach this year. He has only been when he was 6 mths old and didn't even know what one was when I was talking to him about it. He said he doesn't want to hunt for seashells b/c the are in the waterfalls and that is scary he said.
Ashley has been dedicated to her cheering and is loving every strenous minute of it. She practiced Sat from 2:30-9pm and Mon 3:30-9pm. She even got invited to a girl's B-day party in her squad. The girl will be 9 and she suprisingly wants to go. She said they are really nice girls and she is friends with them. I signed her up for Girl Scout camp this year. She will be q QuaPaw this year and the initiation into it is you can't talk for 24 hrs. That will be impossible for Ash. I am going to bet her a mom & Ash night out planned that she can't. If I win I'll pick our plans & if she wins she will, which will be a win win situation for both of us really.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The girl's made friendship swaps, flowers, and bracelets while earning the "Friends R Fun" Try-It. In February. We have a great little group of girls. They have really bonded even though they don't all go to the same school. I thought that was going to be a problem, but they don't even notice.

Here is where we made our troop Tye-Dye T-shirts. Ashley's older girl troop helped us with this and where a biggggggg help. Thanks!!!!!

Final Girl Scout note of the day. We had to postone the Mother's night out. We will all meet together at probably OUR troop family skate night at Skatetown and plan next years activities and snacks.

Now on a family note. Yes I did give Ashley back her cheer at Powerhouse and am glad I did it. She is still being punished in other ways. Like she can only watch TV with the family and not what she wants to watch. (Which is CNN allllllll dayyyyyyy at my grandparents house while she is out of school. If you'd like to know when a certain states electorial election date is just ask Ash. she knows now.)

On a Brooke note her recital is this Saturday @ 2:00 and yes Dana we'll be there and we'll super excited to be able to watch Sarah too... Brooke has a dumdumdum..... tights & hair change this year. Ughhhhhh!!!!! Even though we are paying sitters to watch them backstage I always go back there and dress her & change her hair myself. I also take the costume she is finished wearing and shoes with me in a bag so they won't get lost while she plays. I have been doing this dance thing for about 10 years now. Ashley took for about 6 years and quit and Brooke has been taking about 3 or 4 years. I'm just excited not to have to miss work this year for rehearsals. Yeahhhhh!!! To be honest I guess I'm either a bad mom or a busy one. I haven't even looked at her costumes yet. I will sometime between today and rehearsals on Wed. I'm pretty sure I have to sew some things with them.

On a Jarrett note. I wish I had a picture of what he wore to his preK program Friday night. I guess if mom doesn't do it then it doesn't get done is the motto I should stick with. I had the Girl Scout thing that got canceled Friday evening so I told hubby to go video Jarrett's program for me. I forgot to tell him to pack some clothes to change into b/c kids of course get daycare clothes dirty during the day. I remembered after I picked him up from school (daycare) and saw his clothes. I was enroute to my fav store Target when my hubby called and to my suprise said he had packed an extra set of clothes. I remember thinking "Wow, maybe I don't give him enough credit where the kids are concerned". We'll we proceeded to all meet up and eat at Chilie Verde by his school which made his clothes even worse of course. When we arrived at his school my hubby pulls out an even worse set of daycare clothes for me to change him into. Out of all of the nice clothes he rarely gets to wear except on Sundays mainly he chose another what I call "daycare set" (which means if they get stained or dirty or torn who cares). Most of the daycare sets are already stained or dingy looking from him playing hard outside everyday at school. Needless to say our child was the only dirty looking child in the program. Everyone else had on church clothes and looked really nice. That's ok. He was the only boy in his class so I'm pretty sure he didn't have to do much to impress his classmates since he didn't have an competion. HaHa.

We'll my brother Ryan is coming in town this upcoming weekend from Tennessee so maybe I can get a few great pictures with him and the kids. I kind of use my children to prevent him from having kids right now. So far it is working for him and my little sister which is getting married in August. Just kidding. My kids are great...... seperately......... I'm sure all siblings are like that. I know me and my brother were.

We'll goodbye for now. I better go get my you better behave speech prepared for the dance recital practice today.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Does anyone read my blog? No one ever comments so I'm not sure. I love writing and consider this like a diary I will love reading in the future when my children grow up. So if you do read please comment and say hi so I'll know who all reads it. Thanks for making me feel loved.

Cheer & Celebration

I am at a parental dellima (sp?) right now. I told Ashley at the beginning of her cheer career at Powerhouse that if she got in trouble at school then she would be taken off the National Squad at Powerhouse. Well like all kids do she did and I did and now I regret it. How do I take it back and put her back on the squad without it looking like I don't mean what I say punishment wise. I feel now that Cheer is a good thing to keep her busy and out of trouble, along with she is with some very good kids and that is a big plus in my book. I also was looking forward to cheering her on at something. She hasn't done anything for me to cheer her on in since she quit dancing in about the 2nd grade. I help support her in Girl Scout's but I am no longer her leader. I do attend everything I am able to Girl Scout wise with her.

Abbie, Brooke, & Kailey on a "ROAD TRIP" to Alexandria. We had a blast at the Girl Scout Celebration (I call it a Convention).
This is the girl's helping me set up our booth. Our booth was made and manned by all of the great girl scout leaders in West Ouachita. We walked on the "Wild Side" with West Ouachita. We decorated with monkey's and helped each girl make an animal rubbing and apply a monkey tattoo. It was a huge hit!!!!!
LeAnn, Abbie, Kailey, Sarah, Brooke, & LeAnn's baby sister at the Celebration. Do you all like our Tye-Dyed T-shirts? I do b/c it helps me spot my girl's real easily at any Girl Scout events.
The gilr's at the Alexandria Zoo. The girl's learned a good life lesson in the parking lot thanks to Sarah's mom. Seriously you did a better job than I would have handling the situation. I was behind her shaking. I don't handle conflicts very easily. Ok I know you all are curious so I'll tell you all the story if you promise not to laugh at me. Ok When we got there the parking lot was full, but Sarah's mom has a handicap sticker b/c of her inability to walk long distances due to an injury. (I'll call Sarah's mom Mrs. D. ) Mrs. D's hubby parked in a handicap spot and Mrs. D found a nice lady willing to wait in her parking spot for us to get there. When we got there as the lady pulled out of her a spot a white truck that was parked on the grass (which our vehicle couldn't park on) pulled out and tried to park in the spot. Mrs. D tried to hold it for us, but the female passenger got out of the vehicle and proceeded to cuss a little more than every other word at her with all of the girl scout's standing there listening. LeAnn's mom told me to go help her so I went and stood behind her for support. Is that laughing I hear you guys? I did tell the girl's really loudly to put their hands over their ears and not to listen to the not so nice lady's ugly words. Mrs. D just kept telling the lady "God Bless You" and that seemed to make her even madder. If I was a swearing person I would swear that lady needed an exorcist. I think I even saw her head spin around. Well the truck ended up getting the spot and we ended up carpooling girl's and adults from about 3 blocks away, and Mrs. D lost her handicap spot, but the girl's learned to treat mean people with kindness and not insults, so I guess it was worth going through. It didn't ruin our day. Here's some proof.
Here's Kailey, Sarah, & Kathryn dancing to some cajun music at the zoo.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Friends R Fun" Girl Scout Meeting Feb. 2008

I have finally gotten the ok from all of my girl's mom's, but one so I will start posting some of our old troop pictures. The above pictures are from our February Meeting where we did the activities from "Badge in a Bag" to earn our Friendship Try-It. Look even LeAnn's little sister earned hers. HaHa. She is our troop mascot. She sure is a cute one. We enjoy having her along with all of the big girl's too. She even came to our princess party too. I'll post those pictures another day.
I was supposed to be at the strategy cafe meeting last night, but I had a family emergency that prevented me from getting some sleep during the day (I work graveyards right now). I sent my friend with some suggestions I had to the thing, but she said it didn't look like the kind of forum that suggestions needed to be brought up. My suggestion was to hire a clerk for the front and reorganize it. Almost every single time I have paid for an event some how I have to prove that I have paid at the event. So I have started taking my proof with me. This has happened at all 3 of the mall lockins I have attended, the father-daughter event this year (I paid for Brooke and Castien $20 and they lost my registration form and receipt for both of them), the mother-daughter event (which I had paid for with the father-daughter thing), & this year's celebration event. That can be very embarrassing. So my advice to you all----- Take your receipts with you to any event.
Want to hear some funny kid moments: During my family emergency Jarrett kept saying "Mom there's twap on my window." I would say "What?" b/c I really wasn't paying attention to him. When I finally listened I realized he was trying to say "Mom there's crap on my window." b/c there was bird poop on his car window. I don't say crap so I questioned my hubby later and of course he had said that. I still thought the twap was cute.
I have a very busy month this month. Ashley has cheer practice 2 days a week and one week she has practice Sat 2:30-9pm, Monday 3:30-9pm, Tuesday 4:30-6:30, Wed 3:30-6:30, Thursday 6:30-7:30. And during this same week Brooke has dancing rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and dance recital. Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! And I have been put back on graveyards at work b/c our lovely $68.00/ hr contract tech walked out in the middle of her shift and quit. If I can just make it through that week with my sanity I can rule the world. Just kidding. I will try to take lots of pictures during that week and maybe a few of the before and after pictures of me. That should be funny.