Next stop was Tinseltown where they had to pose like movie stars for 5 minutes out front. Check out their movie star glasses, rings, and feather boa. Rule was once they put it on they had to wear it for the remainder of the game. I thought they would balk at it, but they enjoyed it so much they even requested to go back to Tinseltown when all of their friends were going to be hanging out. Needless to say by that time I was highly embarassed myself so I stayed in the car and watched them strut around dressed up.
This is Ashley's favorite pose as you can tell.
These are 2 of her friends. They were such good sports with the game. They even said they were going to wear these things on the bus Monday. We'll see. Who wants to bet me a coke that that doesn't happen?
This is them posing for 5 minutes as movie stars. They don't look much like movie stars, but I wasn't being picky at least they posed for 5 minutes.
After the movies we were off to Starbucks in the mall where they had to count all of the letters on the menu. They invented a game in the car on the way. Ashley & Kaitlyn were a team b/c they were on one side of the car and Morgan & Emily were the other side of the car team. They waved at cars on the road & here are their points they came up with:
Wave: 5 points Nod: 3 points Honk: 100 pts
I tried to walk away from them at the mall b/c they kept the points going in the mall. They said hi and waved at every person we passed. Amazingly everyone said hi back. I guess people are friendly after all. They caught on that I was embarrassed and proceeded to hug on me as we walked to the gumball machines. Ughhhhhhh. I'm not used to public humiliation like they are I guess. Once they got to the gumball machine's their challenge was to find a yellow gumball. I gave each girl $3.00 in quarters and each person that found a yellow gumball had to dance untill all girls had found one. Ashley unfortuanatley found one one her first quarter and had to dance for a while until her friends joined her. She enjoyed it though. This is a picture of her dancing below:
This is all of them dancing. Kaitlyn (Ashley's best friend) decided it was a good idea to smear cake in Ashley's face so Ash's other friends held her down and they all smeared cake on her. It ended in a cake fight in my living room. You can imagine what I was thinking as I watched them have a blast. It wasn't hard to clean up. Sydney our Chiuiaua (spp?) ate the remainder that was on the floor. Ashley was just upset that she had to wash her hair again.
I forgot to mention the "Relay 4 Life". If you haven't been there before I highly recommend going. They have tons of stuff for kids to do. It reminded me of a very large carnival with free bouncy things for the kids. There were 2 bouncy things, 1 blow up train for the the smaller kids to crawl through, and 1 of the larger blow up obstacle courses for larger kids to go through, face painting at several booths, hair spray painting, temporary tattoos, food gallore, go fish game, basketball, blow up baseball (which was Jarrett's fav), duck game, throw the ball in the buckets game, throw sandbags through the holes game (which Jarrett also loved), a unique train that circled the track (which was closed down by the time I convinced Jarrett to ride. He was a little afraid for some reason.), a make shift jail that I threatened to pay to put Ashley in there (you could pay $2.00 and they would lock up whomever for a certain amount of time. I mainly saw kids in there. HaHa), silent auctions (which I won one Yeah!!!!), raffles gallore (which I didn't win), bingo, cake walks, food, food, and more food. We started out helping other Girl Scouts make the luminaries and then we decided to stay. I am not one that likes to be the center of attention so I wasn't going to let anyone know I was a survivor also, but Ashley bugged me to death about it so I decided to go buy a survivor T-shirt. When I got over there I was told they were free for survivors and they gave me a packet of inspirational stuff along with a T-shirt. They asked all survivors to come on the track and say their name, what kind of cancer they beat, and how long they have been a survivor. I got sick at my stomach when I realized I would be the only one not up there and that would make more attention on me than if I just went up there with all of the survivors so I joined Marti (my mom's friend's daughter). When I said my name and how long Ashley said she cheered very loudly. I also saw Mrs. Darinda from Girl Scouts. She cheered me on too. I just don't like attention. I saw Sarah & Allen who I am currently reading their caringbridge pages and are praying for. I also saw The Raborn's. We stayed for the luminarie ceremony. I bought luminaries in Memory of my grandfather Noah Nugent & aunt Juanita Baskin. Jarrett was so funny during the luminarie ceremony. The man speaking said that they were going to turn the lights off and Jarrett (who I thought wasn't paying attention to the ceremony b/c her was playing with his prizes) turned to me and said "I don't want the lights off". When they did turn them off he snuggled closer to me and continue to play. He was great until we started to pray and then he decided he wanted to talk to me. He kept saying "I want the lights back on" over and over. and then he asked if he could take his glow necklace home. Evertime he would see my head bowed he'd bow his head and then start talking to me. We left about 11:15. We had so much fun we will attend every year. I feel it is a great reason to spend money. It is for a great cause. I lost $18 b/c it fell out of my pocket, but I just said as long as whoever picked it up spends it there I don't mind. Ashley & I are also going to attend the Shake 4 Jake this year. We haven't gone yet, but I also feel it is another good cause.